Our Services
The primary service offered by Custom Movers Select is household goods moving from across the entire United States, as well as to any point on the globe. We also provide automobile moving, pet transfers, temporary housing, storage, settling-in, real estate, mortgage and household insurance. Our extensive list of trusted professionals is available for you.
Meet Skip
Skip Higgins’s company, Custom Movers Select, helps members of the clergy relocate, providing peace of mind for the people who care for others.
- story by Dena Temple
The Recommended Clergy Relocation Service by...
The Rt. Reverend Thomas Brown
Bishop, Diocese of Maine
The Reverend Gretchen Ratterree
Rector at St. Mark’s/Newark, NY
The Right Reverend Phoebe Roaf
Bishop, Diocese of West Tennessee
The Reverend Russ Levenson
Rector, St. Martin’s/Houston, Texas
The Reverend Canon Tim O’Malley
Retired Canon, Diocese of Arizona
The Very Reverend Jeanne Finan
Rector and Dean, Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Diocese of Vermont
...and more.
The primary service offered by Custom Movers Select is household goods moving from across the entire United States, as well as to any point on the globe. Because Custom Movers is licensed by the Federal Highway Administration as a "household goods moving broker," we can handle your move through any licensed national moving company. For top, professional services, we have chosen to work exclusively with the four major van lines in America; Allied, Mayflower, North American and United Van Lines. For international shipping, each company has divisions that enable us to handle your move by air or ocean freight.
Custom Movers Select will arrange for storage services if you are required to load at origin in advance of your ability to accept delivery at destination. Storage services will be your choice of storing with the van lines in one of their temperature-controlled warehouses until final delivery to your residence, or delivery to your separate self-storage facility at destination.
When you select automobile moving in addition to your household goods moving, Custom Movers Select will arrange for the transfer of your automobile with one of our select list of haulers and carriers that we have trusted for years. Your automobile moving services will be in sync with the loading and delivery dates you select for your household goods, with a one day pick-up in most cases. Pick-up and delivery is door to door. Your protection is actual cash value with no deductible.
Custom Movers Select has chosen the most trustworthy pet transfer service in America to pick up and deliver your beloved pet from and to your home before loading date and after delivery. Kennel carry sizes conform to your pet. Boarding services are available. Food and water are provided according to your specifications. Pets are transferred by air when a great distance is a factor. Your pet transfer dates will be coordinated with your household goods loading and delivery dates. Our service provider will also handle most exotic animals.
When you require temporary housing, Custom Movers Select will make arrangements with one of our well known and trusted national hotel/motel systems for short-term or longer accommodations. Your dates will be arranged with your loading or delivery dates. Invoicing may be arranged through Custom Movers or handled separately.
Custom Movers Select has chosen the nation's premier concierge services. Before your move, they assist you with downsizing so you don't move more than you want to live with in your new home. After your delivery, they assist you with practically anything you need to settle -in to your new home. Such as arranging furniture, unpacking, sorting clothes for your closets, and hanging pictures.
Custom Movers Select has chosen the nation's leading real estate company to handle the sale and purchase of your homes. A highly recognized, nationwide real estate agency provides specialized services to clergy referred by Custom Movers Select, wherever you are selling or buying in America.
Custom Movers Select has chosen one of American's leading mortgage brokers to assist you in buying your new home. Dylan Estes will oversee all aspects of your financing; by cell, text, email, or computer.
Custom Movers Select has chosen to refer you to the largest network of independent insurance agents in the nation through our agent at SouthGroup, Alex Treutel. With his limitless contacts to other independent insurance agents throughout America, Alex will put you in contact with an independent agent in your new community who will search for the best insurance rates available.
About Us
Before forming his own relocation service, Custom Movers Select founder Skip Higgins was a sales manager at North American Van Lines. He was, and is, also a lifelong Episcopalian. Skip spent several years helping Episcopal priests relocate and by the early 1990’s, he incorporated his own independent Household Goods Relocation Broker Service. Soon Episcopal, Presbyterian, and Lutheran clergy came to skip to handle their relocation needs. Today, Skip and Custom Movers Select have moved over 3,500 priests throughout the United States. Custom Movers Select specializes in moving clergy families' possessions across America and around the world. As an FHA licensed household goods moving broker, Custom Movers Select offers clergy corporate rates and attentive care from the nations four major carriers: Allied, Mayflower, North American and United. We also provide automobile moving, pet transfers, temporary housing, storage, settling-in, real estate, mortgage and household insurance. Our extensive list of trusted professionals is available for you. Custom Movers Select is the place to go for everything involved with moving into your new community.
Our Team
Skip Higgins
Skip is a 1966 graduate of Louisiana State University with a BS Degree in Economics and Marketing. After serving as Corporal USMC at the Fleet Marine Corps Pacific Headquarters during the Vietnam War, he became a Vice-President of Public Relations at City National Bank in Baton Rouge. In 1982, Skip began his household goods moving career primarily assisting Episcopal clergy in transition.
After serving an agency of North American Van Lines as its Sales Director for all of its locations in the capital city of every Southern State, Skip was granted a license as a "Household Goods Moving Broker." In 2000, he formed Higgins LLC d/b/a Custom Movers for the specific purpose of handling clergy associated with all denominations who are in transition throughout the United States and beyond. Today, Skip lives 1/2 block from the beach in Bay St. Louis on the Mississippi Gulf Coast with his German Shepherd, Duke.
Jo Gilmore
Jo Gilmore is a 1988 graduate of Auburn University with a BA Degree in Fine Arts. She has years of experience in banking, real estate, and non-profit organizations. As the Chief Operating Officer of Custom Movers, Jo assists clergy in transition through the entire process of finding the van lines that fits their particular service requirements.
Having moved around the United States several times with her husband Tim, Jo knows the value of a full service move. She handles all aspects of the process that Custom Movers Select engages to find your best van lines' options. It is her professional diligence that results in the selection of a national van line that provides you with the top professional moving services you deserve.
Juliana Hernandez
Juliana was born and raised in Venezuela. She graduated High School with honors in Venezuela and moved to Louisiana in 2008. She graduated from Louisiana State University as a Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Accounting. Juliana, then, got her CPA license in 2014 and had since experienced the public and private accounting sector as well as non-profit.
With a wide variety of experience in all the different areas of accounting and taxes Juliana decided to launch her own business called CPA Accounting Solutions, LLC in 2016. CPA Accounting Solutions, LLC has now been able to hire a full staff that services a wide variety of clients in several different states helping their business grow by providing bookkeeping, outsource CFO and tax services. CPA Accounting Solutions, LLC manages all of Custom Mover's finances and taxes to facilitate the company's financial stability and growth.

Contact Us
We keep clergy hours. Call anytime. Seriously!
Email & Phone
(225) 235-7992
(225) 937-8590
jo@custommovers.net (228) 342-2809
131 Sycamore Street
Bay Saint Louis, MS 39520
10202 Perkins Rowe Ste E-160 Baton Rouge, LA 70810